Project EDWARD returns to create safer roads

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Community, Crime, News | 0 comments

Project EDWARD, which stands for Every Day Without A Road Death, returns this week in an aim to reduce the number of deaths on the roads.

This year, the national week runs until 24 October and coincides with the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s speed awareness campaign. The campaign is a double effort of reducing fatalities, serious injuries and educating all road users about how they can help and stay safe.

Roads Policing Sergeant Matt Duffy said: “We unfortunately see the devastation that road traffic collisions can cause to victims and their loved ones. We aim to raise awareness around speeding, seatbelts, drink and drug driving and driving while using your mobile phone.”

There will be road policing by horses on the road, plain clothed officers out on their bikes, and proactive patrols, and neighbourhood and mounted officers taking to the roads of South Yorkshire this week. 

‘Changing minds, changing behaviour’ is 2022’s theme, which aims to educate road users about how their behaviour while on the road can have an impact on their own and others’ lives, avoiding unnecessary suffering for victims and their friends and families.

Sergeant Duffy said: “It’s important to note that we do not only target drivers and we will stop, educate and enforce against all road users as each and every one can help create safer roads.”

This year, education around road safety will be in partnership with Safer Roads South Yorkshire.

Tom Smith, Chairman of the SRP Strategic Board, said: “Everyone has a role to play when it comes to making our roads safe, from our road users themselves to planners, educators and enforcers.

“Let’s work together to put an end to serious collisions on South Yorkshire’s roads.”

Sergeant Duffy added: “As part of the week, please think about the small changes you could put in place to make your driving safer.

 “One life lost on the roads is too many, so please help us ensure loved ones and friends always return home safely from their journeys.”

Visit the Project EDWARD website and the South Yorkshire Safer Roads partnership for more.